ADM 2nd BPC 2021

ADM 2nd BPC 2021

“CREATE WORK MADE EASY AND SAFE”   We are delighted and proud to share that ADM 2nd BPC 2021 was held on Thursday, 26th Aug 2021 at HQ office via Microsoft Teams. The objective of this competition is to cultivate the sense of innovation within ADM staff where best practices are applied in their working […]

Aeon Delight Malaysia Embracing Digitalization Era

Aeon Delight Malaysia Embracing Digitalization Era

As Aeon Delight Malaysia is moving towards digitalization era, its management has invested towards IT infrastructure upgrade. There are a few enhancements taken that made Aeon Delight Malaysia ready for cloud base technology. IT infrastructure upgrade include Microsoft Office 365, OneDrive for Business and new computers by ThinkSeries from Lenovo. This allow Aeon Delight Malaysia […]